Monday, September 17, 2012

In the air again

When I was younger, I always envisioned Salt Lake City to be similar to Candy Land, except the plethora lolly pops and licorice were substituted by Lays potato chips and salted pork. Their flag was suppose to be crested by a young girl clutching an umbrella and a box of Morton, and every citizen, by decree of Mr. Peanut, required daily salt baths. Evey child in Salt Lake City brought saltines and sharp cheddar in their little lunch pails, and for dessert, savory salted caramel. Each and every man and woman looked forward to a nice glass of distilled water in the evenings to quench their parched pallets. During the winter months, experts skied the salty slopes. Moisturizer would be their number one import, while the rest of the world desired a taste of Salt Lake Savories. 

However, upon entering this city, I'm disappointed to discover the lack of saltiness around me. Instead of mountains of salt, there are mountains of rock and melted snow. They have regular diets, and their flag is not clad with a young girl in a yellow dress.

Though I am slightly disappointed with reality, hopefully Spain will be better.

Only a few more hours.


  1. This was brilliant, Rachel. Seriously. I love your imagination and glad I at least get to see some of it on here.
